VII. daughter Carmels

VIII. >>>

Indianapolis Carmel


Mother Theresa Seelbach

....M. Theresa's Profession.Bettendorf

Mother Theresa Seelbach in New Albany, Mother Hilda and novice, Sr. Miriam

in New Albany

Mother Theresa Seelbach in New Albany (detail) of picture to the right New Albany

detail of picture above

1. Reverend Mother Agnes 2. Mother Sub Prioress (S. Miriam) 3. Sister Ann

4. Sister Joan 5. Sister Mary 6. Sister Rose 7. Mother Aloysius 8. Sr. Emmamnuel


Left to Right - Mary Rogers, Jean Macry

Indianapolis Carmel

The Foundresses of Terre Haute Carmel

back row: Sr. Mary, Sr. Joan, Sr. Catherine

bottom row: Sr. Patricia, Rev. Mother, Sr. Magdalen Sr. Elias.

Pewaukee Carmel



Mother Paula of the Mother of God - 1915


Mother Paula of Milwaukee

Silver Jubilee

Sr. Ann of Jesus

One of the Milwaukee foundresses who later went to found the St. Paul, Minnesota, Carmel where she died


Susan Mezera - August 1931

    detail       Sr. Ann of Jesus - 1931

Helena Meade, Sister Grace of the Eucharist, one of the foundresses of the Carmel of Milwaukee, who went on to found the Carmel of St. Paul in Minnesota (now Lake Elmo, Minnesota, Carmel).

Helena Meade (detail)      

     Helena Meade - Sr. Grace    


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