VI. early Bettendorf Community
VII. >>>
Scanned from a postcard dated 1921
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1. Sr. Mary 2. M. Aloysious 3. Sr. Paula 4. Sr. Joseph 5. Sr. Alphonsus 6. Sr. Emmanuel 7. Sr. Magdalen
8. Sr. Raphael 9. Sr. Grace 10. Sr. Miriam 11. Sr. Gabriel 12. Sr. Teresita 13. Sr. Veronica 14. Sr. Ann
15. Sr. Joan 16. Sr. Elizabeth 17. Sr. Teresa 18. Sr. Gertrude 19. Sr. Therese
1. Sr. Miriam 2. M. Aloysius 3. M. Paula 4. Sr. Emmanuel 5. Sr. Therese 6. Sr. Veronica 7. Sr. Ann
8. Sr. Gabriel 9. Sr. Mary 10. Sr. Gertrude 11. Sr. Alphonsus 12. Sr. Joan 13. Sr. Grace 14. Sr. Magdalen
15. Sr. Teresa 16. Sr. Joseph 17. Sr. Raphael 18. Sr. Teresita 19. Sr. Elizabeth
20. Fr. General (Father William of St. Albert)
1. Sr. Elizabeth 2. Sr. Miriam 3. Sr. Agnes 4. Sr. Magdalen 5. M. Aloysius 6. Sr. Emmanuel
7. Sr. Michael 8. Sr. Teresita 9. Sr. Grce 10. Sr. Alphonsus 11. Sr. Mary 12. Sr. Raphael
13&15 Sr. Teresa 14. Sr. Joseph 16 Sr. Gabriel 17 Sr. Joan 18. Sr. Ann
Seated Left to right:
1. Sr, Agnes of Divine Love 2. Sr. Miriam of the Will of God 3. Sr. Magdalen of Divine Love
4. Sr. Raphael of the Bl. Trinity 5.Sr. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows 6. Sr. Grace of the Eucharist
Sr. Veronica's Silver Jubilee
1. Sr. Michael 2. M. Aloysius 3. Sr. Agnes 4. Sr. Raphael 5. Sr. Teresa 6. Sr. Joseph
7. Sr. Teresita 8. Sr. Alphonsus 9. Sr. Gabriel 10. Sr. Mary 11. Sr. Miriam
12. Sr. Mary Thomas 13. Sr. Magdalen 14. Sr. Emmamuel 15. Sr . Veronica
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